I am currently inundated with new experiences as I live and study here in Eskişehir, Turkey. I want to be able to record some of them. Here they are.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Sorry for the long lag, I do not want to disapoint my many avid readers (mom I hope you still read this). Two weekends ago we traveled 8 hrs by bus to Olympos, located directly south of Eskişehir and on the coast of the Mediterranean. It is a relatively small tourist hotspot that sits next to ancient ruins and the Mediterranean beach. It was a very laid back weekend, mostly hanging out on the boat and beach. No touring ruins or listening to guides, which was nice to have a break from. 
Olympos, located right in the mountains and an outlet to the Mediterranean.
Our treehouse bungalows that we stayed in. It was very hot and muggy! Our hostel provided us with buffet breakfasts and dinners. After eating we would hangout in the community bungalows or visit a club. 
Start of our boat tour.
We island hopped for our 5 hour boat tour, stopping at beaches, swimming, climbing, and diving. You haven't boozed cruised till you boozed cruised the Mediterranean -Matt
First look at the Mediterranean

Just beautiful. 
Jurassic Park.

Chimera we visited on a night hike. The flames are due to natural gas venting from beneath the crust. Sailors used the flames long ago as a guide, now tourists enjoy them and hikers use them to make tea.  If you blow them out the re light within a few minutes. 
Compared to Michigan the water was warmer, clearer, salty, and rocky. The views were breathtaking! There were these little fish that would sometimes bite open cuts on your legs or feet (so basically sharks), but I wasn't scared (ok I was!).

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